Friday, September 28, 2007

Season Premiere week

I am so excited about all the new seasons of my favorite shows. However, i managed to miss grey's anatomy last night. I am still so irritated that i forgot!

shows i am excited about: (in no particular order)

The Office
Grey's anatomy

if you need someone to discuss these shows with, i'm your girl.


Sarah & Annika said...

We love Scrubs!

Alicia said...

You can watch the full episode of grey's anatomy on (that's what I'm doing right now since I was in biology last night and geoff can only tape one set of shows). I am so excited for scrubs season 6 on dvd october 30... we have seasons 1-5 already. you should totally come over and watch them with me... i've seen every episode about 6 or 7 times. (yes, I am a total freak for scrubs.)

Blog Archive

My Life List:

  • write a childrens book
  • Take a photography class
  • take a dance class
  • Own a house that we built!
  • Live abroad
  • Live abroad
  • Learn to speak enough german to have a conversation
  • Learn to screen print
  • Learn to rock climb
  • Learn to make a wedding cake
  • Hike the Chilkoot trail in Skagway Alaska
  • Graduate from college
  • go to Thailand
  • Go to Cambodia (Ryan says, how about tanzania? or morocco?)
  • Get back to my pre pregnancy weight
  • Be in a musical with Addie
  • be an extra in a movie