Friday, February 29, 2008

the best!

After reading my mom's latest blog entry, I am convinced my mom is the greatest women in the world.... NO BATTLE.

am so impressed by her strength and courage and more than anything her
sense of humor! I realize that my family is strangely close and i never
appreciated it when i was young. Now i just brag about how amazing my
family is. And since my mom has been diagnosed with cancer, my family
has only become closer (as if we thought that was possible) and

check out my mom's latest blog entry

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


have been working really hard to back into shape and get healthy and
there is progress! Now I don't think my hips will ever be the same or
that i will have the stomach i once had but I am back into my old jeans
and thrilled!!! It's always nice to see the hard work starting to pay off.

I think i might be able to do the mud run after all and hopefully they won't need to carry me away on the stretcher.

hardest part of all of this is thinking I have 2 1/2 years to get my
self into shape so that my body can be ruined by another pregnancy.hahah It's a vicious vicious circle, good thing IT'S TOTALLY WORTH EVER BIT OF IT, big hips and all.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

friends only!

I am following suit and I too am going to be making my blog private. I am the ultimate blog lurker, so if you want to continue to lurk just send me your email. I have so many pictures of my sweet little girl on here and I think it may just be a good idea to make this a little more private. I wish blogger had a way to make certain entries friends only; hopefully they will update this system a little.

Send your email addresses to

Simple simple. I hope you all continue to read and comment on our blog and I hope those of you that read my blog via someone else’s blog just send me an email and I will add you!!!

I love sharing my life and my experiences and I hope that we can continue to

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy V Day

We are a day late but

Happy Valentines Day!



Tuesday, February 12, 2008

my yoga breakthrough

I feel the need to brag just a little and seeing as this is my blog I am going to do just that!

Tonight at Yoga I totally had one of those moments where i felt all the progress i have made over this last month. I do yoga 3-4 times a week and i have been so proud of all the progress have been making. I am not one of those crazy bendy people but i can fold myself in half and rest my head on my knees (and i couldnt do that before i started). Tonight I got up into crow for about 30 seconds but it's the first time i have ever been able to hold it. (crow is where you rest your hands on the ground and put your knees on your forearms and bring all your weight to your hands and bring your feet off the ground)

Go me! I love that i have found something i am really passionate about. I have become a gym fanatic and i plan my whole day around working out. I never that i would be this person. ha! Go figure.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

The roll!

I know I know most children start rolling over when they are like 2 weeks old (well maybe I am exaggerating a teeny bit) but Addison being 6 months old finally did it! She was lying on her tummy and she finally got mad enough to roll over! So that tells me she can do it but she would rather manipulate everyone around her to do it for her!


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

a new prophet called!

I thought i would follow my sister Kelly's lead and talk about the huge changes in the church.

President Monson is offically taken the lead as the prophet of the church with Elder Eyring and Elder Uchtdorf. After I heard that Uchtdorf was called as the 2nd counselor , I called Ryan who is in the German department at the U and i heard cheering in the background. The germans are VERY excited about this!

We are excited to hear him speak at confrence this spring. It will be strange not to see president Hinckley though. However we are excited for President Monson!

Monday, February 4, 2008

not one, not two but three!

I stand corrected it wasn't a second tooth but two teeth coming in at once. She has her three lower teeth now. I love her little toothy smile.

she really is the cutest little girl in the world!

I just uploaded a bunch of pictures from my camera and had forgotten about this one! I know great grandma will love this one, a new one for the fridge!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

President Hinckley's Funeral

This afternoon we went downtown to watch the hearst carry President Hinckley's body drive by to pay our last respects and say goodbye. It was a very moving experience as you can probably tell from the pictures. The streets were lined with people waving hankerchiefs and canes in memory of President Hinckley. We watched the funeral on t.v. and cracked up listening to all the funny stories. President Hinckley really was an incredible man and leader.
It was suppose to be snowy and freezing and instead we had one of the most beautiful days we've seen in weeks! It was perfect

God sometimes places a "giant among men," Monson said. "President Hinckley was such a giant. "He was our prophet, seer and revelator. He was an island of calm in a sea of storm. He was a lighthouse to the lost mariner. ... He comforted and calmed us when conditions in the world were frightening," Monson said.

Friday, February 1, 2008

The second tooth cometh

Ever since Addie's second tooth has been coming in, we have been getting a lot less sleep. Addie usually sleeps from 10- 10:30pm till 7 am (and then quickly naps again)! But lately she has been aking up every couple of hours, the other night the only way i get her to sleep was in my arms, so i held her all night long. However Ryan is a genius, last night she woke up a couple times so Ryan grabbed the shirt i had been wearing that day and let Addie use it as her blanket and she is just barely waking up at 11 o clock! Genius Ryan, Genius!

Today we are hoping to go to President Hinckley's viewing at the confrence center. I really want to go "pay my respect".

Blog Archive

My Life List:

  • write a childrens book
  • Take a photography class
  • take a dance class
  • Own a house that we built!
  • Live abroad
  • Live abroad
  • Learn to speak enough german to have a conversation
  • Learn to screen print
  • Learn to rock climb
  • Learn to make a wedding cake
  • Hike the Chilkoot trail in Skagway Alaska
  • Graduate from college
  • go to Thailand
  • Go to Cambodia (Ryan says, how about tanzania? or morocco?)
  • Get back to my pre pregnancy weight
  • Be in a musical with Addie
  • be an extra in a movie