Wednesday, October 8, 2008

me-gan the ve-gan

I have been eating a vegan diet for a little over two months now. It has been working realy well for me. I don't mind it and i am def slimming down and shedding some of that akward baby bulk (like the lady "hump") I am really enjoying it. It's a lot more fun because i am not just living on peppered tofurkey sandwiches this time, ryan is an amazing cook and comes up with some incredible meals. I made some amazing vegan chocolate chip cookies last night and ryan made a really delicious vegan chili and a pizza with the best vegan mozzeralla ever! Don't worry (Grandma Sonia), addie is still getting plenty of nutrious food b/c ryan and Addie don't follow my vegan diet.


Alicia said...

Hmmm... anything that gets rid of a lady hump sounds like a good thing to me! Mine still has a ways to go before it disappears. I've actually been seeing all your vegan updates on Facebook and getting a little jealous (and inspired). I don't think Geoff and I could go completely vegan (I am totally in love with cheese and couldn't bear to give it up) but it would probably be a good thing for us to eat that way a couple of times a week at least.

I think (and my nutrition classes have confirmed) that babies/children can be completely healthy eating a vegan or vegetarian diet. Most people in the US consume at least twice as much protein as they need anyway, and as long as you're using complementary proteins (like rice and beans) she'll get everything she needs. My family would totally freak out if I made Abby vegetarian, but it's not a bad idea as far as health goes.

The Hendrys said...

My Dearest Megan, what ever works for you, I know you never give Addi anything but the best of care. I tryed my Yoga video yesterday and couldn't believe how great i felt afterward. Natalie told be to expect to be sore today, and I was but I expect to try again tomorrow; being old and stiff is not so much fun.

Love you kids, and it is such a treat to get to hear from you.

Kisses and hugs to all of you espically little Addi. and
good luck with your Vegan Diet, I am not that much of a meat eater myself.

Jamie Jo said...

What is Vegan exactly? How is it different from Vegetarian? Do you do it because you are an animal lover or for poundage?

nicole said...

you should start a vegan recipe blog! I now try and incorporate it as best I can since Presley was sensitive to it. Her stomach is better now, so it has been hard for me to keep it up.

Next time you visit home, go eat at Native Foods and Veggie Grill ... seriously some of the best food I've ever had! And it's all vegan.

nicole said...

you should start a vegan recipe blog! I now try and incorporate it as best I can since Presley was sensitive to it. Her stomach is better now, so it has been hard for me to keep it up.

Next time you visit home, go eat at Native Foods and Veggie Grill ... seriously some of the best food I've ever had! And it's all vegan.

Steve and Cindee said...

Vegan, if it's anything like our version of vegetarian it should include ice cream and cheese----ha ha ha

I admire your ability to follow it. Vegan is much stricter than vegetarian...I could never give up my dairy products along with eggs. We're so conditioned to using them, you don't even realize they are an animal by-product until you stop and think about it. I was definently raised on the farm and wouldn't know how to even begin cooking a simple meal.

Love you lots..hugs & kisses to all.

Blog Archive

My Life List:

  • write a childrens book
  • Take a photography class
  • take a dance class
  • Own a house that we built!
  • Live abroad
  • Live abroad
  • Learn to speak enough german to have a conversation
  • Learn to screen print
  • Learn to rock climb
  • Learn to make a wedding cake
  • Hike the Chilkoot trail in Skagway Alaska
  • Graduate from college
  • go to Thailand
  • Go to Cambodia (Ryan says, how about tanzania? or morocco?)
  • Get back to my pre pregnancy weight
  • Be in a musical with Addie
  • be an extra in a movie