Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Top Ten

My top ten favorite things about Addison:
(in no particular order)

10.Her flatulence!
Strange, i know. But it is seriously hilarious. Sometimes it gets so loud that we aren't sure who it came from. ha ha

9. Her very independent nature
(she tries to hold her bottle or cover herself with her blanket although it always ends up on top of her face and she lifts her legs up when i change her diaper like "see mom, I'm helping!"

8. Her legs and feet.
She has her daddy's toes and she tries to grab you with them and holds her blanket in them. She always moves those little legs and feet. It's too cute

7. She is easily entertained.
She loves to watch t.v. with me. She will sit on my lap and watch t.v. or watch the computer screen for a good length of time.

6. Her taste in music.
She will squawk (and sometimes cry) when songs come on that she doesn't like. All i have to do is change the station till i hit a song she likes (like anything Gwen Stefani) and she will be silent.

5. Her smile!
I love how she smiles at me every morning when we wake up. It's this great big open mouth grin. This girl smiles with her entire body! It's the greatest

4. Her sweaty palms.
I know i know. Only a mom could love her child's flatulence and sweaty palms but I DO! I am sorry that i passed it on to her. But little Addison Linda is carrying on a legacy started by Grandma Linda

3. Her "talking"
I love when she tries to talk to us she sounds like a little raptor

2. She is the ultimate snuggler.
She likes to always be holding onto you when she snuggles and its pretty much the cutest thing ever.

1. Because she has taught Ryan and I a lot about what love really is. She shows me so much about myself.

I can't believe I am a mom and that I lucked out and get to be the mom of this sweet little girl.

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My Life List:

  • write a childrens book
  • Take a photography class
  • take a dance class
  • Own a house that we built!
  • Live abroad
  • Live abroad
  • Learn to speak enough german to have a conversation
  • Learn to screen print
  • Learn to rock climb
  • Learn to make a wedding cake
  • Hike the Chilkoot trail in Skagway Alaska
  • Graduate from college
  • go to Thailand
  • Go to Cambodia (Ryan says, how about tanzania? or morocco?)
  • Get back to my pre pregnancy weight
  • Be in a musical with Addie
  • be an extra in a movie