Thursday, December 8, 2011

Weston Michael

Weston Michael Spiers
 9 pounds 3 ounces and 21 inches long

He is the perfect baby and we feel blessed to have him as the newest member of our family.

When Megan was pregnant, the doctor didn't think he would make it past the first trimester and the first time

 we heard that heart beat it meant the world to us.  We know he is an extra special little guy.  Shortly after

being born the doctor referred us to a pediatric cardiologist because she heard a heart murmur during his

first checkup.  We got right in with the most amazing cardiologist who told us he has an  "innocent pulmonary

ejection murmur" that shouldn't effect him in the long term.  We will be taking Weston back in to see the

Cardiologist in 2 months.  We truly feel the Lord has blessed us with this sweet tough baby boy!

Addison loves her little brother and has been so tender with him.  I am seriously

lucky to have two really good kids.  Addison got to share a picture of  her

brother with her preschool class and bonded with all the other little girls who

have baby brothers and they love to talk about the things their brothers do.  She

also got a pair of black sparkle Toms shoes from her baby brother and her

favorite movie 'Despicable me', so that wasn't too shabby either.

Weston was over due 3 days and luckily Megan

was induced and was only in labor for 7 hours and

was up and moving around by that afternoon.  The

recovery this time around has been much easier.

Grandma Linda came and stayed with Addison

while Megan and Ryan were in the hospital with

Weston and Addison was in heaven.

We are now just trying to settle and get through the busy holiday schedule!

Blog Archive

My Life List:

  • write a childrens book
  • Take a photography class
  • take a dance class
  • Own a house that we built!
  • Live abroad
  • Live abroad
  • Learn to speak enough german to have a conversation
  • Learn to screen print
  • Learn to rock climb
  • Learn to make a wedding cake
  • Hike the Chilkoot trail in Skagway Alaska
  • Graduate from college
  • go to Thailand
  • Go to Cambodia (Ryan says, how about tanzania? or morocco?)
  • Get back to my pre pregnancy weight
  • Be in a musical with Addie
  • be an extra in a movie